Playlist, 6 de diciembre de 2009
Especial Novedades
- RUNNING WILD: “Bad to the bone” (Death or glory)
- WASP:” Scream until you like it” (Live... in the raw)
- KEEL: “Streets of Rock n´Roll” (Streets of Rn´R)
- BRUCE KULICK: “Ain´t gonna die” (BK3)
- KISS: “Never enough” (Sonic boom)
- DREAM EVIL: “Bang your head” (In the night)
- RAGE: “Into the light” (String to a web)
- AXXIS: “Utopia” (Utopia)
- HEAVENLY: “Ashen paradise” (
- MOB RULES: “Trail by fire” (Radical peace)
- AT VANCE: “Power”
- BRAINSTORM: “When no one cares” (Memorial roots)
- NIGHTRAGE: “Among wolves” (
- ARCH ENEMY: “Dark insanity” (The roots of all evil)
- SLAYER: “Public display of dismemberment” (World painted blood)
- DESTRUCTION: “Antichrist” (Double live)
- PARADOX: “No place to survive” (Riot squad)
- 3 INCHES OF BLOOD: “All of them witches” (Here waits thy doom)
- THE MURDER OF MY SWEET: “One bullet” (The murder of my sweet)
- POKARA: “Sin saber porqué” (Sin saber porqué)
- MR BIG: “Shy boy” (Back to Budokan)
- DYNASTY: “Adrenaline” (Bring the thunder)
- WIG WAM: “Walls come down” (Non stop rock n´roll)
- 77: “Gimme rock n´roll” (21th Century Rock)
- WET WET: “One love” (Wet Wet)
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